South Kilvington Church of England Academy, Stockton Road, South Kilvington, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2LR

01845 523191

South Kilvington C of E Academy

Proud to be part of Elevate Multi Academy Trust


Our PSHE and RSE policy outlines how we help children to understand, develop and deepen their understanding of how to become ‘remarkable’ individuals.


Our PSHE and RSE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. PSHE contributes to all aspects of the Christian vision for our school and underpins our approach to promoting the British Values of democracy, the rule of the law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance of those with other faiths and beliefs.

We recognise all relationships that are founded in mutual love and consensual love as being equal and valid in all respects. We believe in promoting a culture within school where breadth of relationships, sexualities and genders are regarded as being integral to our school, community and society.

The department for Education defines relationship education as,

‘teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships and with other relationships with other peers and adults.’

We intend to support children understand and make sense of the world they are growing up in and to recognise the similarities and differences between their peers and their families.  Children understand that every human being is unique and has the right to be respected. There is a strong link to our school promises of being courageous, respectful and compassionate.

By teaching PHSE using the PSHE Association’s question-based scheme of work, we are developing the self-awareness, positive self-esteem, and confidence to enable children to:

  • stay healthy
  • keep themselves and others safe
  • develop social skills
  • have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships
  • respect the differences between people
  • develop independence and responsibility
  • play an active role as members of a democratic society
  • make the most of their own and others’ abilities
  • manage their feelings
  • develop their self-awareness
  • create an environment where good learning takes place
  • promote the Fundamental British Values and ensure that these are embedded into all aspects of school life.



In our Church of England school, we place a focus on the spiritual and moral aspects of relationships within a Christian vision for the purpose of life in which lessons will help pupils explore the foundational ethic of ‘love your neighbour as yourself,’ (mark 12.31).  Pupils will consider how to ensure that they treat themselves and others with dignity and respect at all times and in all contexts.  We follow the principles in the Church of England Charter for faith sensitive and inclusive relationship education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education (RSHE).

All our work in RSHE is undertaken with the same duty of safeguarding children which applies to all school practice.

We believe it is important for our class teachers to deliver PSHE and RSE lessons as they know their children best.  This means they will be aware of any additional needs, vulnerabilities and topics that are more poignant to the age, background and development of the children in their class. Children will also feel more confident to ask and answer questions and discuss sensitive topics within their own peer group and with familiar, trusted staff.

 Teachers will be made aware of local issues through information such as Growing up in North Yorkshire survey and local police reports on issues such as county lines, crime, racist incidents etc.  

  • Our curriculum will be based around 3 core themes: Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
  • Mental well-being must be a priority due to the recent COVID 19 effects.  We will make a connection with the NHS five steps to well-being. 
  • Some factual aspects of RSE are taught as part of the science and Computing curriculum (see appendix 1)
  • Teachers are provided with a curriculum content document which can be used as a long term plan.  This can be incorporated into topics if appropriate, but all aspects should be taught throughout the year
  • Teachers are provided with posters outlining the content and direction of each aspect of RSE (Families and people who care for me, Caring friendships, Respectful relationships, Online relationships, Being safe)
  • A ‘circle time’ lesson (15-30 minutes) will be timetabled each week  with a clear objective or used to discuss a topical issue that may have arisen that week.
  • Children can access the nurture room and staff will provide individual discussion time as needed.



 Research has shown that the age of the onset of puberty has come down in recent years  (typically 8-14).  Hence, children will learn about how their bodies develop and the emotional changes they may experience through short films and adult led discussions. All children will learn about menstruation and its purpose and girls will be offered additional sessions.  In year 6, children learn how babies are conceived and born within the context of loving, respectful relationships.

Children will also be taught about valuing their own bodies, mutual respect and the right to privacy and consent, including how to stay safe through social media.

Parents are invited to view the materials used in advance to prepare them for questions at home.


Parents right of withdrawal from Sex Education

 Relationships Education is statutory for all pupils but Sex Education is not statutory for primary children. Therefore, parents can choose to withdraw their child from this element of the primary curriculum.  However, parents should contact the Head Teacher if they choose to withdraw from these lessons to discuss further.




  • are familiar with different types of relationships and families
  • are familiar with religious beliefs and attitudes towards relationships
  •  learn how to build respectful relationships
  • enjoy positive, non-exploitive, caring relationships in person (and online)
  •  learn about their body and how to look after it.
  •  learn about how their body changes
  • learn how to express their emotions and feelings
  •  learn how to keep safe including on social media
  • understand how to recognise inappropriate behaviour
  • what consent means
  • how to seek help if they need to
  • become respectful citizens in our community and the wider world.
  • understand how to be lawful citizens
  • become global advocates, learning how to bring about change in things they are passionate about.



  • We recognise we have a responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure all pupils (regardless of their disability, educational needs, looked after children,  race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and religion) have opportunities to develop the skills to help them make informed choices about their well-being, health and relationships .
  • We acknowledge that all young people deserve the right to honest, open and factual information to help them form their own beliefs and values, free from bias or subjective beliefs of those who teach them.


South Kilvington has the same high expectations of the quality of pupils’ work in these subjects as for other curriculum areas. Our curriculum will build on the knowledge pupils have previously acquired and pupils will receive regular feedback.  Targeted questioning will challenge children to think more deeply about topics discussed and their responses noted.

South Kilvington regards all children as ‘remarkable individuals’ and so lessons should be planned to ensure that all pupils can access the lesson and are suitably challenged. Assessments will be used to identify where pupils need extra support or intervention.


 Pupil voice, questionnaires, lesson observations, Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey, conduct and behaviour of children, children are confident to talk about their needs and those of others and have an interest in local and global issues and dilemmas.

Appendix 1 – Curriculum Content

To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives. These subjects can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support. See for resources.


Our therapy bunny Archie
Our therapy bunny Archie


What are we planning to teach?

At primary school, Relationships Education and Health Education is statutory. It’s important that parents know this and that there is no option to withdraw from these subjects.

The DfE guidance (pg. 23):

"The national curriculum for science also includes subject content in related areas, such as the main external body parts, the human body as it grows from birth to old age (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals."  

"It is important that the transition phase before moving to secondary school supports pupils’ ongoing emotional and physical development effectively...It (the sex education programme) should ensure that both boys and girls are prepared for the changes that adolescence brings and – drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the national curriculum for science - how a baby is conceived and born." 

As above sex education includes puberty, conception, reproduction and birth. Puberty is already statutory under Health Education and National Curriculum Science (so there is no right to withdraw). Birth and reproduction are also included in Science (again, no right to withdraw) and so this leaves conception. By definition 'how a baby is conceived' means what happens during sexual intercourse before an egg and sperm meet (reproduction).

Parental concerns and withdrawal of students

Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the non-statutory Sex Education our school teaches but not Relationships Education. They do not have a right to withdraw their children from those aspects of Sex Education that are taught in the statutory National Curriculum Science and Health Education. Parents are invited to view our resources and discuss any concerns with our staff.

Before granting a request to withdraw a child/ren, the headteacher will invite the parent to discuss the request with them to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The head teacher will discuss with the parent the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on their child. This could include any social and emotional effects of being excluded, as well as the likelihood of the child hearing their peers’ version of what was said in the classes, rather than what was directly said by the teacher. The school is responsible for ensuring that should a child be withdrawn, they receive appropriate, purposeful education during the period of withdrawal.

 Long Term Plan EYFS to year 3.pdfDownload
 Long Term Plan year 4 to 6 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Right to withdraw.docxDownload
 RSE and PSHE policy.pdfDownload
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