Admissions for pupils wishing to start at South Kilvington Church Of England Academy at the beginning of their Reception Year (the September after their 4th birthday) need to be made using the Local Authority Online Admissions procedure (see link below). Parents should also receive a letter from their pre-school in the autumn before starting school with details of the process. Applications must be submitted by mid- January in the year your child is due to start school.
A great way to find out more about our Robins Class is to visit the school with your child. Please call our school administrator Miss Crowder to book a visit.
Places are allocated by the Local Authority, following their published criteria. Parents and schools are informed of the allocations in April, prior to starting school in September. Parents have the right of appeal to the local authority if they are not happy with the allocation made.
Once places are allocated, we will contact you to invite your child to a number of visits during the last weeks of the summer term and a meeting for new parents.
If you wish to apply for a place for a child in Years 1-6, please contact the school directly before applying to the Area Education Office using the link below and the category "in year admissions".
Admissions Appeals Timetable
Currently North Yorkshire County Council are overseeing Admissions Appeals for South Kilvington C of E Academy.
Please go to: